Ah, the Beautiful Smell of…Compost?!

Ah, the Beautiful Smell of…Compost?!

Do you compost? It is the best kind of recycling one can do. Compost consists of most any biodegradable material such as raw vegetables, coffee grounds, leaves, grass, and fruit. I keep a compost pile in the woods out behind my yard. Once it has thoroughly rotted – I...
Muffin Top Drop

Muffin Top Drop

…That was the subject line of an email I recently received – “Muffin Top Drop.” I am not sure if it was a promotion for weight-loss or advertising a delicious pastry. I decided to forgo opening the email, assuming it was unsolicited. Besides, I...
Name That Tire Cover

Name That Tire Cover

A week or so ago many were amused, some outraged, and others mystified at the audacity of a pastor’s efforts to raise $65 million for a private jet. Apparently this pastor just skipped over the part in the Bible where Jesus instructed his disciples to, “Take no gold,...
A Selfish Blog

A Selfish Blog

Have you ever heard of a “Selfie-Stick?” This past Christmas I was surprised with the gift of one, and a favorite one at that! First, for the uninformed, let me explain the term “selfie.” A selfie is a rather new word that refers to taking a self-portrait, usually...
Ash Wednesday – Marked for God

Ash Wednesday – Marked for God

In baptism and through water we are marked by God as one of God’s own. Baptism is the symbol of being born again. On this day Christians around the world are marked with ashes.   To be marked with ashes with the sign of the cross is really the only time...
The Field of Stars – a brief book review

The Field of Stars – a brief book review

To The Field of Stars: A Pilgrim’s Journey to Santiago De Compostela, by Kevin A. Codd   Told from the perspective of a Catholic Priest, this book recounts a thirty-five day pilgrimage across Spain to Santiago de Compostela, the traditional burial place of the...