Every Sunday at 11 AM sharp I am in the Activities Building for the beginning of the contemporary worship service, better known as “Reach.” After a welcome and a children’s message I slip out the back door and I am “whisked” away in a golf cart to the sanctuary building. Sure I could walk, but do church members and those watching by way of broadcast really want to see me sweaty and red faced as I enter the sanctuary?

I have many fond memories of these weekly rides in the golf cart, chauffeured by one of our staff members (I have not been here long enough for them to trust me with the keys). Sometimes we will get so enthralled in conversation that we will go right past the sanctuary and have to do a U-turn (I am not exaggerating). I also get a kick at waving at church members while we zoom by. I have heard more than one of you refer to this little golf cart as the “pope-mobile.”

Imagine my distress when last week the beloved cab-enclosed golf cart caught fire! I was not riding in the car at the time. It was on some other mission during the week and the electrical system caught fire. I wondered to myself if this would be a good time to suggest procuring one of those nifty segway scooters. “How am I going to get there from here?” My chagrin regarding my transportation options was short lived because this past Sunday I was picked up in a sporty convertible golf cart – no cab, no roof, no doors, just fresh air. Now when I walk in the sanctuary I have that “blow-dried” congressman look!

“How to get there from here,” is a question we all must contend with throughout life. It is not merely a transportation type of question. It is a life question. We start asking it early in our childhood when we begin dreaming about “what I want to be when I grow up.” As we mature the questions take on a deeper, more probing tone.

“How to get there from here,” is the question asked by one who is looking for some help when they come on Tuesday morning for the benevolence ministry. It is the question asked by the couple whose marriage is going through a difficult phase. It is the question asked by one whose means of security and comfort has proven bankrupt. It is the question asked by one who wants to know, “Is there anything more to my life than just living, working, and dying?”

Searching and asking is fundamentally human. Being found and answered is fundamentally divine. May God grant us courage to ask the right kind of questions; to invite others to do the same; and journey to the One who holds the answer and has our peace in the end.

Grace be with you,