Coptic Cross (Original)

It is thought that the original Coptic Cross was an adaptation from the Ankh Cross. It was adopted early on by Christian Gnostics, particularly those from North Africa where Coptic Christianity began. Tradition has it that Christianity was established in Egypt by Mark. Through the centuries the Coptic Cross has taken on many different forms. In art the halo of Christ is often depicted as cross-based, especially in Eastern Orthodox traditions.

“They compelled a passer-by, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus.” (Mark 15:21)

We see the cross in its beauty; enshrouded with tradition.
We see the cross as it speaks to the nations and as it touches individual hearts.
We see the cross as burdensome and terrifying.
However we see the cross O Lord, when it is our time to bear it, may we be found faithful in every step.