It is Not Just a Piece of Paper

It is Not Just a Piece of Paper

Hanging on a wall in my office is a piece of paper that today is 32 years old. It is weathered a bit from three decades or so of sunshine and the signatures on it are faded. For that matter, some of those who signed it have faded from this world and entered the next....
Christmas Eve Thoughts on Camping

Christmas Eve Thoughts on Camping

I am one of those rare ministerial types that does not play golf – never, not once! Nor am I much of a sports fan at all. My limited attention span often gets in the way of sitting through an entire game of anything without succumbing to boredom.   What gets me...
Being Grateful

Being Grateful

Let me tell you about Annie. Annie was one of seven sisters picked up from a shelter by the rescue organization “You Lucky Dog.” Part boxer, part pit-bull, part something-or-another, we met Annie when she was just a couple of months old at our local farmer’s market on...
Grace is (almost) Enough

Grace is (almost) Enough

It was a year ago today when our family experienced the tragic death of my nephew Gregory Scott DeLoach, son of my brother David and sister-in-law Stephanie. He was named after my other brother Scott and me and he would have been 24 in a couple of weeks.  His passing...
The Privileged Pastor

The Privileged Pastor

My first church job was the summer of 1985. I was 19 and was hired by my home church in Eatonton to work as in intern with the youth and children’s ministry. I remember that I felt a bit guilty receiving a check from my church, and for the life of me I cannot remember...
A Space for Lament

A Space for Lament

Walking onto the University campus I listened to birds deep in song as the morning emerged from dark night; the sky not quite light and not quite dark. Rounding the corner to the building where my office is located stands one bright tree – a tulip tree full of...