The blog of Greg DeLoach
Roswell Georgia

Mr. Goodbar
Years ago when I was just a fledgling young adult I stumbled upon a stack of old candy bar wrappers that my grandmother had carefully saved through the years. A dozen or so “Mr. Goodbar” wrappers had been devotedly pressed like wildflowers on exhibit and preserved as...
A Little Walt Whitman is Good for the Soul
I dream’d in a dream I saw a city invincible, to the attacks of the whole of the rest of the earth, I dream’d that was the new city of Friends. I keep a copy of Whitman’s Leaves of Grass on the end table by my reading chair. I read snatches of his lines in the early...
Stump Removal
It took four weeks of intermittent, hard labor but I have taken care of a stump in our front yard…mostly. It all started with the ice storm – ICE2K14, or icepocalypse, or whatever you want to call that event one month ago. We had several trees come down during the...
Ashes to Ashes
I love the rich breadth of Christianity, which means I am open to “new” ways of experiencing community with fellow believers. Observing Ash Wednesday (this year it is on March 5) is an old practice for believers around the world but fairly new to most Baptists. For...
Snow Day 2014
It seems like the “Snowpocalypse” of last week is a distant memory. All traces of snow are gone and our friends in Atlanta have returned to normal routines. Living in Georgia all of my life, I have had very few snow days, so nearly every one of them is memorable. I...
Don’t I Know You?
Not so many days ago I was involved in a rather innocent exchange with a gentlemen seated to my right at a banquet. His name was Dr. Clarence Williams. We were seated at the head table because I was invited to give greetings on behalf of the religious community and...
Seeing Things in Hi-Def
We bought a TV. There, I said it. I have confessed our indulgence. We are conspicuous consumers just like everyone else. For the first six or so months of our marriage we did not even own a television. Amy’s grandmother gave us her old set, complete with knobs that...
Jingle Bells and Shotgun Shells
Have you ever retrieved mistletoe from treetops? There really is only one way – a twelve-gauge shotgun. I know this sounds a bit drastic, but take my word for it the stuff grows in out of the way spots on a tree. First you find an oak tree whose branches are marked...
A Journey Up the Mountain and Back
For the fourth year in a row we have taken a group of High School juniors and seniors on a backpacking trip. Many of the youth have never been camping, let alone backpacking, and so this is a time of new experiences and a shared journey. And what a journey it was....
Up in Smoke
This past weekend I found a couple of hours to do something I have been putting off since we moved to Augusta – clean out the garage! Well, in particular, what I did was clean out a couple of filing cabinets that were taking up space in the garage. They were stuffed...
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