The blog of Greg DeLoach

Roswell Georgia

Wandering Back Home

There and Back Again” is the subtitle to J.R.R. Tolkien’s tale of hobbits, goblins and wizards in The Hobbit. There and back again has been my theme after ten days of travel through the Holy Land, seeing where the Bible comes alive over the rolling waters of the Sea...

Holy Land Wanderings – Day 9 – Free Day!

Today was our “free” day which meant to guided tours (or tour buses) and only breakfast and suppers was scheduled. In spite of having good intentions to sleep in, I was up and at it after six hours rest. Apparently everyone else was too because our folks were all...

Holy Land Wanderings – Day 8 – Masada and the Dead Sea

I have noticed that I have been posting the wrong date corresponding with the actual event – sorry about the confusion. This article is about yesterday’s travels on the 15th (of course who knows what day my body thinks it is. The sermon this Sunday should be...

Holy Land Wanderings – Day 6

I am hastily typing a blog this morning because last night I decided getting some sleep was more important. Currently I am sitting out on a small balcony overlooking some of the ancient walls surrounding the Old City. Rusty Brock is sharing the other half of the table...

Holy Land Wanderings – Day 5 – Bethlehem and Jerusalem

Our day began with the usual wake-up call at 6 and I am happy to report I have now enjoyed two good night’s of sleep. After breakfast we loaded the bus and departed Galilee for good, heading south with Jerusalem as our ultimate destination. Our guide, Nadar, is...

Holy Land Wanderings 2013 – Galilee

The good news is that I had a solid 4 ½ hours sleep last night, which is not so bad when you factor in that there is a seven hour difference between Tiberius and Augusta. The bad news is that I fell asleep at 8 pm and I awoke at 12:30 AM – a full four hours ahead of...

Holy Land Wanderings 2013 – Day 1 and 2

Having finished packing my luggage only hours before departure, one of my last things to do is to sit down and write this article. From January 8th to January 17th I will be touring the “Holy Land” along with 25 other members and friends of First Baptist Church of...

A Year’s Worth of Reading

Each year I try to keep a list of what I have read. Some books I would eargerly read again and other I probably should have never started. Nevertheless, dear reader, I pass along my reading list from 2012 on to you - the good, the not so good, and the ones you need to...

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