The blog of Greg DeLoach
Roswell Georgia

Footsteps of Paul – Day 6
Today is our day for ancient Delphi – a place of “mythic” legend. This is not saying much since I suppose most all of Greece is the stuff for mythic legend. Perhaps what is most mythic of all is the quantity of food I am taking in! Large breakfast buffets followed by...
Footsteps of Paul – Day 5
By now both the blogs and the mornings begin routinely enough: wake-up call that always seems to be a bit too early and a breakfast that is bigger than we normally consumer. Everyone has maintained both good attitudes and robust appetites! Today we traveled just a few...
Footsteps of Paul – Day 4
Our day started off with another great breakfast (preceded of course by an inconvenient wake-up call at 6 AM). Amy and I had a little more trouble falling to sleep due to lingering affects of jet lag and air travel, but that is to be expected this early in the...
Footsteps of Paul – Day 1, 2, or 3?
Day 1 (or is it day 2?) For the last twenty-four hours 32 devoted pilgrims have hopped shuttles and planes making our way from Augusta to Athens Greece. In between we have experienced a three and half layover in Paris, which might sound extravagant but trust me this...
Four Things I Hope My Son Packed for College
This past Tuesday at noon our church began a new ministry to the community: Faith@Work. It was, I believe, a great success made up of business leaders from all parts of the community. Here is an abbreviation of my remarks I shared at the Faith@Work luncheon. Four...
Give Us Our Debts
This past Sunday I celebrated communion with the Sunday School Class called “Jesus’ Special Followers.” Many of you are familiar with this great class of adults who share at least two things in common: they love Jesus and they have some level of cognitive impairment....
It Tastes Like Home…
Not so long ago Amy, the boys and I headed “home” to visit my family. Due to a rather demanding summer I had not been home to visit my daddy since last May. Keep in mind that they are only just over an hour’s drive away. A visit was long overdue and greatly welcomed....
No More Motoring
For owners of the MINI Cooper there is a unique culture. It is a quirky English car that has been around since 1959 and so most references to the MINI are couched in English colloquialisms. The “bonnet” is the hood; the “boot” is the trunk (yes, it has a trunk), and...
…All Those Tourist Covered in Oil…
The line is well known among Jimmy Buffett fans and the era of sun tan oils (as opposed to blocks, lotions and creams). Here along the Gulf Coast, however, it calls to mind other kinds of oil that we would rather not see. Happily, no oil is in site around St. George...
Now Move Your Tassel to the Left…
…Or is it right? I am sure someone will clarify this tradition for me before the week is out. I am not graduating from anything, mind you, but I am proud to have a son to complete this phase of his life. I am trying hard to not sound cliché when I write that it seems...
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