The blog of Greg DeLoach
Roswell Georgia

We Arrived – But Are Very Sleepy!
The flight was happily uneventful and we arrived safe and sound in Rome this morning around 8:15. The good news is that we have the whole day before us. The challenge, of course, is staying awake so that we can have a better chance at a good night's rest. Let me tell...
The Last Day of School
As of this writing I have two teenagers that are eagerly counting down the days until the last day of school. Now that I think about it, I suppose there are teachers, administrators, and parents doing the same thing. Even though the approaching last day of school does...
Weihenmayer – What’s in a Name?
...Plenty, if the first name is Erik. I admit that for most of us Erik Weihenmayer is not exactly a household name like Elvis Presley or Lewis Grizzard. Erik's face was on the cover of newspapers and magazines about ten years ago. He became the first man ever to...
This Blog is Brought to You by…MoonPie
I wish. MoonPies are tasty and good for you...well, they are tasty. I would proudly tout their product. Alas, the makers of the MoonPie have not come calling and besides this space is not for sale. A few years ago in a New York Times article the focus was on the...
Is God Still Speaking?
A denomination (not Baptist) has as their slogan: “God is still speaking.” That is certainly Biblical when you consider the many times God breaks into the scene and because of this people begin to imagine new possibilities of living and relating. All week long I have...
I Am the Church
What is the “face” of a church? Bearded? Bespectacled? Steepled? Bricked? Anglo? African-American? Young? Old? Formal? Casual? Traditional? Modern? American? Latino? You and I know that there is no one face to the church which the Bible refers to as the body of...
Heard Enough About Tiger Woods?
Second to The Masters tournament itself, Tiger Woods has been the center of attention this past week. It should be stated from the outset that many, many are pleased in Phil Mickelson’s win. He seems to be a fine man, devoted to his wife, and humble in character....
That’s What Friends Are For…
Remember when you were a child and you made your first friend in school? Our earliest memories remind us of the importance of friendships. Everyone needs a friend and so good friends are a gift. Amy and are blessed to call on several as our dear friends. Each summer...
Who Needs A Pick-Up?
Now that the days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer (well, slightly warmer anyway), my mind has been wandering to the back yard. Specifically I have been glancing towards my raised vegetable bed. Currently I still have a mess or two of collards left...
Just Showing Up
As you can imagine, meal times are pretty important around the DeLoach Ranch. I am certain has been true for many generations. My grandfather’s favorite table blessing went something like this: “Bless the Meat, even the bones/Got anymore, bring it on.” While we...
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