The blog of Greg DeLoach
Roswell Georgia

Saw Mills and Pulpits
Thirty years ago I was wrapping up my junior year in college, preparing to get married that summer, and completing my first year as pastor of my first church. The good folks of Unity Baptist were taking care of their “boy preacher,” but I still needed some extra money...
Peches – But Missing Something
Along a busy highway in middle Georgia there is fruit stand that I pass by when I go home to visit my daddy and family. This particular one sells peaches. At least I think so. The sign literally read, “Peches.” I assume during the fall the merchants sell “bold...
Holy Week Wanderings – Holy Saturday
There is nothing written in the Scriptures of that lonely Saturday. All we have is the news of Friday and that the body of Jesus was “laid in a tomb.” And after that…silence…
Holy Week Wanderings – Good Friday
The events of Good Friday are well known and often told by believers and followers throughout the world. Each Gospel offers only one word to describe what happened: crucified. Though we want all the gory details – we live in a culture of violence after all – not much...
Holy Week Wanderings – The Triduum and Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday is the beginning of the Triduum. This is a period of three days leading up to Easter. We began the Lenten season with a marking of Ashes and in the Triduum we conclude with a marking of sorts. The passage from Exodus chapter 12 tells the story that has...
Holy Week Wanderings – Spy Wednesday
Who knew that the Wednesday of Holy week had a name? Google, that's who! Wednesday is known as Spy Wednesday because on this day Judas made a bargain with the high priest to betray Jesus for 30 silver pieces (Matt 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:1-6). If there was...
Holy Week Wanderings – Holy Tuesday
Now among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. 21 They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” 22 Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus. 23 Jesus...
Holy Week Wanderings – Holy Monday
“Wasteful Love” A church member recently asked, “What happened on those other days of Holy Week?” We focus on Palm Sunday, skip ahead to Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and wait it out Holy Saturday. But what about the other days? Today is Monday of Holy Week and...
Praying for Change
I was driving to church for the evening Ash Wednesday service and thinking about what it means to be marked with the cross of ashes and hearing the words, "you are dust and to dust you shall return." Somewhere along the drive I heard the news about the tragedy in...
Learning Gratitude From a Dog
Annie was a “rescue.” She was one of seven sisters picked up from a shelter by the rescue organization “You Lucky Dog.” Part boxer, part pit-bull, part something-or-another, we met Annie when she was just a couple of months old at The Roswell Farmer’s Market on a hot...
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