The blog of Greg DeLoach
Roswell Georgia

Possum Fritters
Do any of you remember the "old days" when recipes were written on pieces of paper? Nowadays when you want a recipe you just open up the laptop and surf the internet and comb through list after list of variations of almost any dish. In fact, looking for a recipe is...
Things for Which I Am Thankful
By now many of us are beginning the frantic and frenetic pace of preparing for the descent of families around our tables. Some no doubt are mentally packing Thanksgiving away even before it has arrived and moved on to Christmas lists and schedules and decorations....
Dirty Pickups and Jesus
I am not known for clean cars. I like a clean car but most of the time my car looks like a piece of discarded lent parked between the lines. The other day one of my sons said, "Dad, I need some money. What can I do to earn a few dollars?" (there is no point in trying...
Land Sickness
This is my third and final blog related to my recent cruise. As you know I have fretted over getting sea sick given my propensity to motion sickness. Thanks to good advice and a prescription for a derma patch I survived my week at sea quite well. I enjoyed spending...
Electronic Leash
This week I am learning, in painful spurts, all the ways I am electronically tethered. It all started with an innocent cell phone purchase back in 1994. Already the church where I was serving as pastor had presented me a pager – you know, in case of emergencies. I saw...
Man Overboard!
Hopefully no one will hear that phrase next week. Next week I will be leading a Bible Study for over forty members of First Baptist Church of Augusta members on a cruise ship. Yes, I know that my job is a difficult one, but someone must sacrifice for the sake of the...
Don’t Invite Them To Church…
...That was what my friend Rob Nash said to me once many years ago. Rob is now the Global Missions Coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. His comment seems to betray much of what we good church going folks have been taught all of our lives. When you meet...
Where is Your Home?
This week I have been trekking back home – not the one in Grovetown, but the one in Putnam County. Actually I have not made it so far as home, but to my home church of my childhood. Beside it is the cemetery where my grandparents are buried and where I will be too one...
Read Any Good Books Lately?
Reading List 2009 Not every book I have read this year is a great book, but thus far no book on the list has been a waste of time. I am slowly learning that just because I start a book does not mean I have to finish it. Therefore there are several not on this list...
Hungary Mission Report
On April 23, thirteen members of First Baptist Church of Augusta departed Atlanta for Pecs, Hungary to partner with CBF field personnel Glen and Clista Adkins and their work with the Roma Gypsies. In the last blog entry I gave you information regarding the Romani...
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