The blog of Greg DeLoach
Roswell Georgia

The Gypsies Among Us
As you read this I am well on my way, along with twelve other members of the church, to Pecs, Hungary. This is the second mission trip to work with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship missionaries Glen and Clista Adkins at the Gandhi School where we will, in part, teach...
Baking and Breaking…
…bread, of course. For most of us bread is both abundant and taken for granted. Except for the annual threat of a snowstorm which rarely manifests, grocery store shelves are filled with bread of numerous (countless?) varieties. Store bought bread, however,...
How Did You Get Here?
Car? Bus? Cab? Horse? Train? Mule? How did you get here? Throughout my childhood until I was old enough to own my own car (a 1969 Mustang fastback, 3 speed, straight six - for those of you who are curious) I went to church in my daddy’s pick-up. On the dairy there was...
Their Hands
(photo by Rainier Ehrhardt) “When death comes… I don't want to end up simply having visited this world” - Mary Oliver Last night (Wednesday, February 25) we hosted an Ash Wednesday service. Even though Christians have observed some form of the imposition of ashes for...
All of Life Summed up in a Cashew Can
I love the rich breadth of Christianity, which means I am open to “new” ways of experiencing community with fellow believers. Observing Ash Wednesday (this year it is on February 25) is an old practice for believers around the world but fairly new to most Baptists. I...
Good for the Soul
I have a not-so-secret confession to make – I love classic soul music. Sure, I recognize that some may think I should listen to more respectable if not conventional music. Stan and Keith listen to the arias, Rodger is rather fond of Broadway tunes, and Andy listens to...
I Have a Muscle There?
Not so long ago I made the suggestion to my beloved that we should take a yoga class together that is offered at the “Y” next door to the church. You read this correctly: yoga…together. I have never taken yoga in my life but I did as a kid love the television series...
My First Lunchbox…
…was one of those metal types. I hear there are people who collect them. I still have this lunchbox complete with thermos and they are both somewhat prominently displayed on our bookshelf. It is a bit scratched up, but otherwise is in pretty good shape and if you open...
Packing Away Christmas
…That is what it has felt like anyway; that we were packing away Christmas. We waited as long as we could but honestly the tree was becoming a fire hazard. It has been up since a day or two after Thanksgiving so I suppose it was time. Ten or eleven years ago when we...
Have Yourself a Gaudy Christmas
I wrote the following article a couple of years ago, but I thought it was worth repeating. Every year I am amazed at the lengths people go to in decorating their homes for the holidays. I say, "go for it!" I use to poke fun at some of the gaudy decorations I would see...
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